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Last updated on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 at 08:32am

Measles is a viral infectious disease. This page provides information about measles cases in England.

Cases are confirmed through either local or reference laboratory testing.

Numbers shown here are provisional and subject to change as:

  • more suspected cases undergo confirmatory testing
  • some locally tested cases are discarded after obtaining further epidemiological information or undergoing confirmatory testing at the reference laboratory

We update measles data every month on a Thursday at 9.30am. The next update will be on 13 March.



Since January 2025
Up to and including week beginning 3 Feb 2025
In the past 4 weeks
Up to and including week beginning 3 Feb 2025

Since 1 January 2025, there have been 91 laboratory confirmed measles cases reported in England.

31% (28 of 91) of these cases have been in Yorkshire and Humber, 29% (26 of 91) in the South West, and 12% (11 of 91) in the East of England. 25 upper tier local authorities (UTLAs) have reported at least one confirmed case with symptom onset since January 2025, with the highest numbers reported in Bristol (25 of 91, 27%) and Leeds (24 of 91, 26%).

In 2024 there were 2,911 laboratory confirmed measles cases in England, the highest number of cases recorded annually, since 2012. This was initially driven by an outbreak in Birmingham but was soon overtaken by a large outbreak in London, with small clusters in other regions. Case counts followed a downward trajectory from mid-July with small, localised outbreaks continuing in some regions. Data for 2024 can be found here.

Percent cases in England by age group (in years), since January 2025

Cases under 1 year of age are assigned to the 00-01 age group.

Up to and including week beginning 3 Feb 2025

ChartThere are 7 plots on this chart. The horizontal X-axis is labelled 'age'. Whilst the vertical Y-axis is labelled 'metric'. This is plot number 1 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesAgePercent' for the England area, along with the age banding of '00-01' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `00 - 01` along the X-axis. And `12.1000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 2 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesAgePercent' for the England area, along with the age banding of '01-04' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `01 - 04` along the X-axis. And `27.5000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 3 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesAgePercent' for the England area, along with the age banding of '05-10' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `05 - 10` along the X-axis. And `19.8000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 4 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesAgePercent' for the England area, along with the age banding of '11-14' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `11 - 14` along the X-axis. And `8.8000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 5 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesAgePercent' for the England area, along with the age banding of '15-24' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `15 - 24` along the X-axis. And `12.1000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 6 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesAgePercent' for the England area, along with the age banding of '25-34' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `25 - 34` along the X-axis. And `12.1000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 7 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesAgePercent' for the England area, along with the age banding of '35+' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `35+` along the X-axis. And `7.7000` along the Y-axis. There is no reporting delay period being tracked for the data on this chart. - Refer to tabular data.
Tabular data

Percent cases in England by age group (in years), since January 2025 data for cases under 1 year of age are assigned to the 00-01 age group.

Up to and including 3 February 2025

00 - 0112.1
01 - 0427.5
05 - 1019.8
11 - 148.8
15 - 2412.1
25 - 3412.1

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Percent cases in England by UKHSA Region, since January 2025

Up to and including week beginning 3 Feb 2025

ChartThere are 9 plots on this chart. The horizontal X-axis is labelled 'geography'. Whilst the vertical Y-axis is labelled 'metric'. This is plot number 1 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the East Midlands area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `East Midlands` along the X-axis. And `7.7000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 2 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the East of England area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `East of England` along the X-axis. And `12.1000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 3 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the London area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `London` along the X-axis. And `12.1000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 4 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the North East area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `North East` along the X-axis. And `1.1000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 5 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the North West area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `North West` along the X-axis. And `6.6000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 6 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the South East area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `South East` along the X-axis. And `1.1000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 7 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the South West area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `South West` along the X-axis. And `28.6000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 8 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the West Midlands area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `West Midlands` along the X-axis. And `0.0000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 9 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesRegionPercent' for the Yorkshire and Humber area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `Yorkshire and Humber` along the X-axis. And `30.8000` along the Y-axis. There is no reporting delay period being tracked for the data on this chart. - Refer to tabular data.
Tabular data

Percent cases in England by UKHSA Region, since January 2025 data for

Up to and including 3 February 2025

East Midlands7.7
East of England12.1
North East1.1
North West6.6
South East1.1
South West28.6
West Midlands0
Yorkshire and Humber30.8

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Number of cases in England by upper tier local authority, since January 2025

The upper tier local authorities with the highest number of cumulative measles cases in the reporting period are included in this chart.

Up to and including week beginning 3 Feb 2025

ChartThere are 2 plots on this chart. The horizontal X-axis is labelled 'geography'. Whilst the vertical Y-axis is labelled 'metric'. This is plot number 1 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesIncident' for the Bristol, City of area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `Bristol, City of` along the X-axis. And `25.0000` along the Y-axis. This is plot number 2 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid bar plot. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_headline_cumulativeCasesIncident' for the Leeds area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows `Leeds` along the X-axis. And `24.0000` along the Y-axis. There is no reporting delay period being tracked for the data on this chart. - Refer to tabular data.
Tabular data

Number of cases in England by upper tier local authority, since January 2025 data for the upper tier local authorities with the highest number of cumulative measles cases in the reporting period are included in this chart.

Up to and including 3 February 2025

Bristol, City of25

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Cases by week of symptom onset

Laboratory confirmed cases of measles by week of onset of rash or symptoms reported, London and England from 1 January 2025. The data reporting lag has greatest impact on the most recent 4 weeks. Reported figures for this period are likely to underestimate activity. These data points are within the "reporting delay" period on the chart. This chart is different to the measles "cases reported" chart on the landing page. Data affected by the reporting delay is not included in the chart on the landing page.

Up to and including week beginning 3 Feb 2025

ChartThere are 2 plots on this chart. The horizontal X-axis is labelled 'date'. Whilst the vertical Y-axis is labelled 'metric'. This is plot number 1 on this chart. This is a dark blue solid line plot. The plot has a label of 'England'. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_cases_casesByOnsetWeek' for the England area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows data from 30 December 2024 to 03 February 2025. The date fluctuates between 14.0 on 30 December 2024, ending with the same value on 30 December 2024. The date fluctuates between 18.0 on 06 January 2025, ending with the same value on 06 January 2025. The date fluctuates between 21.0 on 13 January 2025, ending with the same value on 13 January 2025. The date fluctuates between 21.0 on 20 January 2025, ending with the same value on 20 January 2025. The date fluctuates between 11.0 on 27 January 2025, ending with the same value on 27 January 2025. And finally. The date fluctuates between 6.0 on 03 February 2025, ending with the same value on 03 February 2025. This is plot number 2 on this chart. This is a turquoise solid line plot. The plot has a label of 'London'. This plot shows data for Measles. Specifically the metric 'measles_cases_casesByOnsetWeek' for the London area, along with the age banding of 'all' for the gender group of all. This plot shows data from 30 December 2024 to 03 February 2025. The date fluctuates between 2.0 on 30 December 2024, ending with the same value on 30 December 2024. The date fluctuates between 2.0 on 06 January 2025, ending with the same value on 06 January 2025. The date fluctuates between 3.0 on 13 January 2025, ending with the same value on 13 January 2025. The date fluctuates between 3.0 on 20 January 2025, ending with the same value on 20 January 2025. The date fluctuates between 1.0 on 27 January 2025, ending with the same value on 27 January 2025. And finally. The date fluctuates between 0.0 on 03 February 2025, ending with the same value on 03 February 2025. Data from 13 January 2025 onwards falls under the reporting delay period. This means those figures are still subject to retrospective updates and should therefore not be considered to be final. - Refer to tabular data.
Tabular data

Cases by week of symptom onset data for laboratory confirmed cases of measles by week of onset of rash or symptoms reported, London and England from 1 January 2025.

The data reporting lag has greatest impact on the most recent 4 weeks. Reported figures for this period are likely to underestimate activity. These data points are within the "reporting delay" period on the chart.

This chart is different to the measles "cases reported" chart on the landing page. Data affected by the reporting delay is not included in the chart on the landing page.

Up to and including 3 February 2025

Reporting delay period

3 Feb 202560
27 Jan 2025111
20 Jan 2025213
13 Jan 2025213
6 Jan 2025182
30 Dec 2024142

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