What's new
Last updated on Thursday, 15 August 2024 at 04:01pm
We regularly update the dashboard with new data and features. Here we'll show a timeline of changes that have happened outside of the weekly data refresh.
- Entry category: Change to metricEntry title: Measles data now updated monthly
The severity of the measles outbreak has been downgraded. As a result, we will report measles data monthly rather than every 2 weeks.
The next update will take place on Thursday 21 November.
- Entry category: UpdateEntry title: COVID-19 autumn 2024 vaccination data added
We've added data for the latest COVID-19 vaccine booster campaign to the dashboard. Overall uptake can be found on the homepage and more detailed breakdowns can be found on the COVID-19 topic page.
We have made several changes to the UKHSA homepage to update its design and make it more user friendly.
The homepage's layout is now grouped according to theme. You can now instantly see data for any outbreaks and respiratory viruses. We have updated the summary cards for each health topic to make the information clearer and easier to understand.
The homepage now features a summary card for weather health alerts. This includes a map of England showing all the alerts currently in place across the country.
In keeping with the latest design changes to GOV.UK, the homepage now includes a blue 'hero' banner at the top. The dashboard now stretches to the full width of your screen.
We are keen to know what you think of the new changes. Please let us know using our feedback form.
- Entry category: UpdateEntry title: Update to influenza hospital admission regions
We have updated the way we present regional level influenza hospital admission rates. We have combined the 9 UKHSA Regions into 4 UKHSA Super Regions for:
- North of England
- South of England
- Midlands and East of England
- London
Any data reported from 30 September will use these new larger regions. You will be able to filter data for previous seasons by either the 9 UKHSA Regions or the 4 UKHSA Super Regions.
Influenza hospital admissions rates are based on a subset of trusts who voluntarily report. Participating trusts are distributed across England, but due to the voluntary nature of participation, some regions may have lower levels of trust participation. We have made this change to aid interpretation.
- Entry category: UpdateEntry title: New measles charts
We have updated the content on the dashboard's dedicated measles page. You can now view charts showing the proportion of cases in each age group, as well cases by UKHSA region. We have also added a new chart showing the number of cases attributed to each of the 25 upper-tier local authorities in England with the highest number of measles cases.
- Entry category: New FeatureEntry title: Change to the navigation menu on the UKHSA Data Dashboard
We have changed the menu design on the dashboard. Previously, the menu was to the left of the data.
Now, the menu can be accessed from a drop down at the top right. From here, you can access health topics, services and information.
- Entry category: New contentEntry title: Healthcare-associated infections data added to the dashboard
We have added data for six healthcare-associated infections on to the UKHSA data dashboard.
You can now use the dashboard to check new cases since August 2023.
We will update the data on the first Thursday of the month at 4pm.
- Entry category: UpdateEntry title: Update to our public API
We have launched a new version of our public API to make the data it returns easier to read. To help the transition, we will provide support for the old version of the API until Monday 14 October. You can access it through our Swagger documentation.
- Entry category: Data issueEntry title: Resolved: Issue with COVID-19 cases data
We have resolved the issue with the COVID-19 cases and case rates data. Updated data has been published.
The NHS has made some changes to its geographic regions which affects some of the data on the dashboard.
The NHS Trust St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust has merged with Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. This affects COVID-19 data for patients and admissions to these hospitals. The data for both trusts have merged. This will also affect the previous time series for this data.
Some other changes affect users of our API extracting data using geography_code:
- the NHS Region "Midlands" was [E40000008] and is now [E40000011]
- the NHS Region ''North East and Yorkshire" [E45000009] is now [E40000012]