Retrospective COVID-19 cases added
Last updated on Thursday, 30 January 2025 at 10:54am
Around 500 COVID-19 cases which were reported between May and December 2024 were added into UKHSA’s case recording system in the week beginning 30 December 2024, and were published on the UKHSA data dashboard on 9 January 2025. These cases were not added at the time of initial reporting because of a technical issue affecting a small number of COVID-19 case reports. Following further investigation and the publication of additional cases on the UKHSA data dashboard on 30 January 2025, the total number of retrospective cases added is now around 600.
The retrospective addition of COVID-19 cases into UKHSA's case recording system was caused by the failure of an automated data transfer process following a network outage within one of the UKHSA Data Centres. This process was already scheduled to be addressed as part of a wider project on processing of laboratory results. As a result of this incident all data transfers of this kind will now have additional monitoring in place until they are replaced through the ongoing work.
No further cases are expected to be added as a result of this incident. Overall COVID-19 trends and COVID-19 positivity are unaffected.