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Positivity metrics for some respiratory viruses not updated this week

Due to a data issue with Respiratory Data Mart, positivity metrics for Influenza, RSV, hMPV, Parainfluenza and Rhinovirus will not be updated this week.

Entry title:

Access our data

Welcome to the UKHSA data dashboard API developer's guide. Here, you'll find concise instructions for interacting with our API and comprehensive Swagger documentation detailing endpoint information, parameters, and example responses.

Getting started

Last updated on Thursday, 21 March 2024 at 02:41pm

UKHSA data dashboard API makes it possible to access the data used to render content on the UKHSA Data Dashboard.

UKHSA data dashboard API is accessed via HTTP and returns data in a JSON format. The data structure details the endpoints and the response format.

What you can do with this API

This API is useful for applications that incorporate content from the UKHSA data dashboard, and for keeping that content up to date. It provides a more accessible and predictable interface than what can be achieved through scraping HTML pages.

What you cannot do with this API

The content within the API is limited to data provided in the UKHSA data dashboard, and does not include other websites or areas of GOV.UK.

Not all content is available, there will be some selections (such as when filtering by location) that either do not have data yet, or will never have data. UKHSA relies on external data (from NHS and/or government sources) for the data dashboard.

Currently the API is designed so that you must retrieve data associated with an individual metric for a given geography. The API does not yet support retrieving data associated with multiple geographies within the span of 1 request.

Beta software

UKHSA data dashboard API is currently beta software and is subject to change and improvements as we learn from usage.

This means that you can use this software and build applications that utilise it. Your feedback is important and will help us improve it.

Use our survey if you would like to share your feedback about UKHSA data dashboard API.


Usage of UKHSA data dashboard API does not require authentication.

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